Climate & Energy
In the coming years, major and important choices will be made for the energy system of the future. Both at the European level, with the elaboration of the Green Deal, and at the national level, with programs for energy (infrastructure), environment and circularity.
Public Matters offers strategic advice to companies and organizations that (want to) be part of this changing climate and energy landscape. Public Matters’ experience is diverse: from renewable energy producers to ETS companies, and from green NGOs to industry associations and (local) governments.
Whether it is about influencing national legislation or European directives, the realization and implications of the many government programs in the field of making industry, circular economy and the energy system more sustainable, or creating (local) support for new initiatives, you have come to the right place. The consultants of Public Matters have experience with and knowledge of (sustainable) energy & mobility, circular economy, supply chain and CSR policies, construction and real estate developments in the field of sustainability, sustainable financing, etc.
We are happy to use our accumulated knowledge and network to assist you further in, among other things:
- Developing public affairs strategies, stakeholder analyses and strategic communication campaigns to influence energy, environment and mobility policies. This can include projects related to the Energy Act, the Climate Memoranda, implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive, etc.
- Seek and maintain contact with relevant policy makers and politicians in “The Hague” and/or Brussels.
- Advising on negotiations for energy policy or the realization of energy projects, such as the Dutch National Energy System Plan, wind and solar projects, SDE++, etc.
- Managing stakeholders in Brussels, The Hague or the local environment to secure your company’s license-to-operate or to put your organization on the map.
- Conducting analyses of the level-playing-field and/or a reputation study among key stakeholders who determine ‘green policy’.
Please feel free to contact one of our consultants to discuss the possibilities for your organization. We will gladly provide you with advice to ensure that your organization’s voice is heard in The Hague and/or Brussels.
"The future of the energy landscape is being shaped today. Be there now."
Public matters