Our team of experts
Office The Hague
Bezuidenhoutseweg 101
2594 AC Den Haag
+ 31 (0)70 304 6499
Office Amsterdam
Vijzelstraat 68-78
1017 HL Amsterdam
+ 31 (0)70 3046 499
Office Brussels
Avenue des Arts 39
B-1040 Brussel
+ 32 (0)2 502 77 71
Political and societal engagement
Public Matters’ consultants all share certain key qualities: they are experts, creative and result-driven. Thanks to their broad-ranging political and societal engagement, they know exactly what’s going on and understand how things get done.
Our team will be glad to help your organisation find its way in devising and implementing strategies for public affairs, lobbying and stakeholder & reputation management, drawing on their extensive experience as parliamentary or ministerial aides, in-house lobbyists or civil servants in The Hague or Brussels. Outside their work, many of our consultants are also engaged in civil society and sit on various committees, giving them access to extensive networks.
PM Academy
We believe that personal growth and development are important to our work at Public Matters. That is why we invest in personal coaching, development and internal knowledge sharing. Among other things, we do this through our internal PM Academy programme, a programme for and by employees focusing on both professional content and professional skills. Organising and attending training courses is part of the work at Public Matters and development opportunities are determined through personal coaching.
Code of Conduct
Public Matters was the first public affairs and lobby consultancy in the Netherlands to introduce a code of conduct for its consultants.