Tech expert Elisabeth van der Steenhoven new Associate at Public Matters
Elisabeth van der Steenhoven has started at Public Matters as an Associate.
In this role she will use her expertise with regard to new technologies, and issues such as cyber security and fake news, to strengthen cooperation between businesses, knowledge institutions and governments. Elisabeth is a member of the Advisory Council on International Affairs and has a wide network in The Netherlands and abroad.
Elisabeth van der Steenhoven:
” I am really looking forward to my new role at Public Matters – to support (international) clients in the field of public affairs. This also includes tech & crypto pioneers. Amazing how they are changing the world – they are the Galileos of our time. It is important that this is done in a responsible manner, with respect for privacy and data ownership. ”
Bas Batelaan, Managing Partner at Public Matters:
” Elisabeth is a very driven professional with a lot of knowledge and experience – especially in the field of cyber security and technological developments. This makes her of great value to many of our clients.”
With her knowledge of technology and cyber security, Elisabeth focuses on clients in various sectors.
Public matters