Board of Directors, AmCham
Board member, Dokters van de Wereld
Secretary Supervisory Board, Fonds Gehandicaptensport
Board member, Stichting Machiavelli / Board member, Florence Wenst
Founder / Senior Partner, Public Matters
Founder / chair / honorary member, BVPA (Professional public affairs association)
Head of public affairs, Albert Heijn – Ahold NL
Senior consultant, Burson-Marsteller (The Hague-Washington)
Personal assistant, House of Representatives member
Public Administration, Leiden University & London School of Economics (including work experience at Chamber of Commerce in New York and at Shell Rotterdam, public affairs dept.)
Senior Partner / Founder
I’m an all-round consultant, able to draw on 25 years’ experience in the vicinity of the seat of government in The Hague, to advise on public affairs, lobbying and stakeholder management. I act as a sounding board for entrepreneurs and lobbyists, support clients in a variety of sectors and give lectures, training and workshops at Leiden University’s campus in The Hague and elsewhere.
Since I founded Public Matters in 2001, we have developed into a Dutch lobby agency with specialist all-round consultants. We specialise in the lobbying niche, with coverage extending to all sectors. I see myself as the personification of that profile. I’m always happy to engage in a debate about managing complex issues that are owned by multiple stakeholders, or enjoy a thought-provoking discussion or article about public affairs. Lobbying in The Hague is a privilege. I believe that I have a responsibility to use my knowledge and experience in the public interest. Besides public affairs, my other passion is sailing.
Public matters